I had found a lot but not find appropriate solution. But now i have done such good thing.
Here you can load your JSON data to table .
For that In HTML
<div id="example">
For Style
padding: 3px;border:1px solid #dedede;
For Script
var Data = '[{ "User_Code": "abenns1", "First_Name": "Aaron", "Last_Name": "Benns", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "ahansen3", "First_Name": "Alan", "Last_Name": "Hansen", "Is_Supervisor": 1 }, { "User_Code": "ADamasc", "First_Name": "Armel", "Last_Name": "Damasco", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "cjohnso267", "First_Name": "Cliff", "Last_Name": "Johnson", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "dkane", "First_Name": "Donald", "Last_Name": "Kane", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "epangil", "First_Name": "Edgar", "Last_Name": "Pangilinan", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "EBayara", "First_Name": "Enrique", "Last_Name": "Bayaras", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "fcabanl", "First_Name": "Fernando", "Last_Name": "Cabanlig", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "hcabuan1", "First_Name": "Henry", "Last_Name": "Cabuang1", "Is_Supervisor": 1 }, { "User_Code": "ibaaqee", "First_Name": "Ibrahim", "Last_Name": "Baaqee", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "JGangan2", "First_Name": "Jaime", "Last_Name": "Gangano", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "mgaite", "First_Name": "Marcel", "Last_Name": "Gaite", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "mmorris18", "First_Name": "Michael", "Last_Name": "Morris", "Is_Supervisor": 0 }, { "User_Code": "psabido1", "First_Name": "Philip", "Last_Name": "Sabido", "Is_Supervisor": 1 }, { "User_Code": "rcuento", "First_Name": "Reginald", "Last_Name": "Cuento", "Is_Supervisor": 0}]';
var newdb = JSON.parse(Data);
var firstrow = newdb[0];
$.each(firstrow, function (index) {
$("#example").append("<th>" + index + "</th>");
$.each(newdb, function (index, val) {
$.each(val, function (index) {
var code = index;
var country = val[index];
// $("#example").append("<b>" + code + " : </b>" + country + " ");
$("#example").append("<td>" + country + "</td>");
// $("#example").append("<br/>");
Here you can give your JSON result to Data.